I sort of forgot about this.
I didn’t, actually. It’s just never really served a purpose. The ‘project’ for which this was developed is effectively dead, with more emphasis being placed on actually using something which works, which is probably what it should’ve been from the beginning. I have, admittedly, missed out on a whole lot of documentation which may have been somewhat useful from my first year. It’s crazy to think it’s actually been a year (two weeks today!) since I started, and the journey I have been on since then. The imposter syndrome feeling still hasn’t really died down, and I’m not sure it ever will, but I find it has become a bit more manageable and I do actually feel a sense of belonging on my team - which is crazy further.
Nonetheless, I am left with this website which carries my name and it would be nice to do something with it. I like the idea of doing weeknotes, so maybe I’ll start that. It’s also a good place to document some learning, as I originally intended, and that could tie in nicely with the second year of my scheme - somewhere to link further ramblings about such and such a project.
Hopefully this is not just further shouting into the abyss, dreaming up grand plans only for them to fall on the rocks. It would genuinely be nice to have a detailed collection of notes on topics such as AWS (other cloud providers are available), or Docker, and so on. We’ve been given a new ‘Learning and Personal Development Tracker’ which I would like to be able to attach such notes to, and provide me with more space for writing.
So let’s try it, shall we?